2 research outputs found

    Design and Deelopment of a MOOC in Miriada: Challenges and Experiences from Three Perspectives

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    Tema del mesEn el contexto del desarrollo de proyectos con TIC, contamos con la experiencia de haber elaborado varios cursos en l铆nea en entornos de desarrollo tecnol贸gico que brindan mayor flexibilidad y control en la configuraci贸n de las actividades, y por supuesto, orientados a una poblaci贸n local y con n煤mero limitado de matriculaciones. Con la idea de innovar, asumimos la responsabilidad de crear un Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) en la plataforma Mir铆ada, lo cual implic贸 retos en la conceptualizaci贸n, la planeaci贸n, el dise帽o visual y la integraci贸n dentro del entorno de la plataforma. Este art铆culo busca compartir esta experiencia, as铆 como la reflexi贸n sobre la importancia de que de todo el equipo interdisciplinario participante comprenda la filosof铆a de un MOOC y se adapte a las herramientas provistas por la plataforma que alojar谩 el curso, pues 茅stas son las claves para tener un producto de calidad que logre el impacto esperadoIn the context of the development of ICT projects, we have the experience in the development of several online courses in technological development environments which provide us with flexibility in the configuration and control of the activities, and of course, they are aimed for a local audience with a limited number of participants. However, we wanted to lead the way in new technological developments inside CELE so we decided to develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Miriada platform. This meant challenges in the conceptualization, planning, graphic design and integration within the platform environment. This article aims to share this experience and the reflection on the importance of each member of the working team to understand the philosophy of a MOOC by adapting the tools provided by the platform that will host the course in order to have materials with top-quality and achieve the desired impac